Don't I look good in this picture? That was 6 yrs ago. I don't remember how much I weighed, but right now I'm 192 lbs. Today I did 162 pushups and 349 situps. Aren't you happy for me? Yeah I know, the pride's coming off too strong. But this is what working out does. It develops, "I look good syndrome." It's the part I truly hate about working out.
Day 1 has started again. Tony Horton how I have missed and hate you at the same time. So this will be the 4th time I will have started p90x. The first two got interrupted with moving, vacations, and too many distractions. The 3rd time, I got to day 76 (inconsistently, but still got there), but hurt the shoulder and stopped. So today marked day 1. This time I might concentrate more on Cardio (getting really insane by doing a mix of p90 and Insanity) and actually eating right. These workouts are annoying and great at the same time. Annoying because of the obvious strain it puts on the body, great because the discipline pays off. I dropped from 208 to 192 and looking to hit 180. (I may have already lost your interest in this post, then again aren't these things for personal satisfactions? Keep reading it's not all about muscles:-)) Don't know if it's possible of hitting 180, but at this point it's such a great motivation to be able to put some old pants on because they fit. Or the fact that I have to buy a new belt.
Going back to this idea of discipline, it reminded me of something. Obviously no one likes it. We fear it. It hurts. At the end of the day we might be slightly open to it, because we know that it will transform us. Discipline is needed, but it's usually from someone else. Horton keeps me in check virtually ("make sure you don't run off and get a crispy kreme doughnut.") Discipline is tied to accountability. I can rationalize my actions and do a lot because he's not around to keep me in check.
It's ironic but it's the same with God. Yeah, it's ok, I can slip this one time, get tempted, commit the sin, "oh the satisfaction." Who's keeping me in check? I hadn't had soda for 70 plus days, the minute I stopped working out, I've gone on a soda drinking binge. NOT GOOD. Who kept me in check? (we think we can hide from God...haha.) Well, at the end of the day what am I saying? As Tony would say, "keep pressing play." Nah. Everybody who read this should be working out. You already know that. If you take your faith in Christ seriously, then you would be willing to invite serious discipline and accountability on living for God. Yup. Humility and a willing heart to be transformed by God. These are reps that last beyond infinity.