I have never been in a city where I'm constantly surrounded by the country. I've come to appreciate and starting to fall in love with this country. I grew up near cities, so being in nature is a new experience for me. On the East Coast, I would go to camp for a week or so, drive through the scenic views of the Catskills in New York, but not like this where I'm engulfed by cows, orchards, mountains, parks, sequoia trees the size of mountains themselves, fishing for trout, camping, and even camping stores.
This past week I went to Frazier Park for camp on the West Coast. I was in AWE of the stars. I know they exist, but they overwhelmed me. They lit the sky, especially with the Milky Way and the shooting stars. I felt like "I can reach for the stars," as cliche as that sounds. I fell in more love with my Creator who was and is able to create such a work of art. Then I saw several satellites and saw the clash between our creation trying to look like God's creation. One can never compare skyscrapers to mountains.
I had the chance to go fishing a couple of weeks ago. I really enjoy fishing. I couldn't stop looking around. I had never seen trees like this. I just wanted to take pictures. Fishing needed to wait, because I wanted my eyes to soak in every detail. It's impossible. I left shortchanged. But knowing that this is what is in my backyard, I feel like I'm moving from appreciating skyscrapers to God's "skyscrapers."
Maybe this is why I keep feeling like I'm on vacation. In the past, on vacation I would leave the city and experience creation. Rhode Island has some beautiful beaches and the ocean roars. I took it for granted and didn't really experience it. Not going to let that happen here. Although there are no oceans, but the lakes are plentiful, and the mountains offer a view from 7,000 ft. The question remains, fishing pole or camera? Tough call.