I'm sure as you saw the title of this post you can suspect that this post is an unpleasant one. I had expectations that going to the DMV was going to be an easy thing. Why wouldn't the government create a system that would be easy for all of us? Ha. Everything was going easy, filling papers out (4 different forms) driver's licenses, 2 cars to register. Ok, this is going to be easy. The first bump of frustration, "um, sir is this birth certificate yours?" "Yes." "Is this a copy or an original?" (I should have said original.) I think she got scared, she saw Arabic, French, English writings all over it, with other Arabic writings. Maybe the security should put me through a metal detector. "Sir, I need an original." (Thought in head: yeah well let me call the Saudi Monarch and have him issue me an original one, thanks.) "Sir, do you have a passport?" "Yes. Bring that in?" "Yes, sir." (Thought in head: why did you tell me to bring my birth certificate in?) Tamar gets her driver's license because she was born in the great state of CA. So then we waited, while Tamar gets her driver's license, me not allowed with my passport. Interestingly, our marriage certificate is there as evidence-our Social Security number is on the application. But nope I need my passport. Ok, fine.
This was the kicker. I'm registering the cars, the cars were officially delivered on June 2. Today is June 30. I'm passed the 20 days rule in registering the cars in CA, now I have to pay penalties. So I asked the lady (another lady processing applications), "I could have lied and told you the cars came June 15 and it would have been fine, without the penalties?" "Yes, sir." "So, let me get this straight if I had written on this application June 15, than 2nd, it wouldn't have cost me $400 for my car and $229 for my wife's car?" "Yes, sir." (thought in head: wow, that's a great system we have). The picture above is what I wanted to do. Cars have to be checked for smog and I have to return to show the smog certificate--let's hope these cars have no issues.
They gave me the California Driver Handbook before this whole process began. A little too late now. The picture above is what I wanted to do. I think this time when I return to go through another painful process of getting my license done, I will show up with my Saudi scarf on. The picture above is what I wanted to do. Ok, now I feel better.
Lord, this ain't easy living truthful in a world where people get away with all kinds of lies. Now I can concentrate on getting some real Kingdom work done. Thanks for reading. The picture above is what I wanted to do, but I didn't. Or else you have heard about it in the news, some bald Armenian Pastor gunning down DMV people because of penalties.