
Super Mario Bros.

I miss lining up my toy cars, imagining they were in a traffic jam. Now, I dread the real ones. I often miss being a kid again. I never had the luxury of having Nintendo, Sega Genesis while in high school or college. I was one of those kids that had to go to someone's house and play. I always came in last place cause I didn't know how to play the video game. Ironically, we now own two video game systems. And since becoming unemployed, I'm ready to beat up Mario or Luigi, possibly burn this system, hopefully never see a real size character of them, because I know I would hurt them, for the frustrations they've caused for the last 3 days. Now I just miss the imaginative days with my toy cars. Who cares about video games? Oh, but do they entertain, waste time and life away. Dodging turtles, hitting ? boxes, and trying to beat Bowser; temporarily distracts the realities of life.
This passed Sunday was my last one at the RI church. It was definitely tough emptying my office, not as tough as seeing people cry. It's tough, actually it just hurts. While going through the papers in the office, I stumbled on the first bulletin dated, 9.10.2006, the first Sunday I was in the pulpit. Ugh, I blinked and 4.5 years passed by. I often think that I didn't get my money's worth. This isn't like the video game. In the game, if I make through one level, I can always go back and try it again to get more coins. Life has one pass through the different levels. It's amazing on what each season teaches us. It's only a lesson learned if we're willing to be taught.
I really don't know how to end today's entry. Today's been one of those contemplative days. I most likely will have more of them. Maybe I'll just go back to imagining but without Mario and Luigi...


the only thing snow reminds me of...

15-20 inches of snow the day after Christmas was enough to satisfy my desire to see the beauty of snow. The forecast for today is for some more tonight and tomorrow. It's fine. I used to get really annoyed, having to leave the comfort and warmth of the house to clean the driveway and walkway. It's pretty to watch from inside, tiring when you have to clean it. But recently (we're talking last several years) I've come to really appreciate the falling of snow. And the only reason why is because of this verse: “Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;" Now, snow is a reminder of what Christ does for me on the cross.
I can close my eyes and imagine how white everything will be tonight and tomorrow morning, and it brings a smile because I can now stand in confidence to know that God sees me as white and not dirty.