

Time is crucial in a world when we want things instantly. Focus is necessary when we're distracted by so many things. Desire to endure is important when things mound up on our "to do list." Turning 30 is odd. It makes you wonder "am I living life to the fullest?" I hate cliches. But why are they so true? I need to make a priority to tackle the life long goals. You never know when God calls, societal jargon, nothing is really unique anymore.
What holds us back to do the things we always wanted to do? Is it just the mere idea that we have these goals? Or do we actually want to sky dive, travel, or personally go to a World Cup? They cost money. I want to experience for the sake of experiencing them and to know that I did them.



It's been two days and I'm already in withdrawal. It's amazing how much time I've wasted on Facebook. I 'deactivated' my account, in a sense I deactivated my involvement in the social circles. I don't know what bothers me more, the fact that I can't know what others are doing, or that they don't know what I'm doing. For some reason it made me feel 'cared or loved.'
The bitter reality is as I'm taking day 2 on, I was spending too much time on it. It sounds so cliche, but so true. It's amazing I've had more time to do other things, like actually concentrate on work. I've committed to not coming back till the World Cup starts. 5 weeks to go. It will be rough. But I will endure. The irony is we will endure from all kinds of things.
Bring on the challenge.